Welch Kshatriya Brahmin is also known as Uluch Kamme Brahmins in India and they are the first residents of India who are dedicated to the service of the nation with or without money from Government.They moved from India to Europe, China and various countries fighting wars under the leadership of Sun lineage & Moon lineages.
When they came back to India mixed with inter marriage to other religions the pure Brahmins and pure Kshatriyadidn't accept them at all in marriage issues or relationship.
The Welch Kshatriya Brahmin are also DharmAdhikari or Temple authorities who make laws and don't break up old laws, however in past 35 years to 50 years ,those rules are being broken up. This is something questionable.
Apart from that politically they have no affiliation for any political parties so go ahead as normal people.
They also are descendants of Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Chandra (Moon), Sun God. We don't intermarry other people in India at all. We have no caste certificate nor religious beliefs like others. We are humanitarian and nature lovers.
There are some issues related to Dharmic laws that both Kshatriya Community and Brahmin Community has to clear up in near future for the generations ( children). I am pure Welch Kshatriya Brahmin from both parents sides. In future these types of problems must be avoided at all costs.